Vikram E. Chhatre
Population Genomics & Computational Biology

P. balsamifera stand in the background (Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming)

New Position Announcement

I have accepted a Research Geneticist position with the U.S. Forest Service. I will be joining Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (HTIRC) and Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR) at Purdue University in Feb 2023.

I am a population geneticist and computational biologist. I am fascinated by evolution in natural populations of forest trees and my research is focussed on understanding the distribution of standing genetic variation across landscape. You can learn about my work on my Google Scholar Profile.

I work as a research scientist with the Wyoming INBRE Data Science Core, where I help biologists incorporate high performance computing in their research. My teaching is primarily hands on, delivered through short courses and workshops in bioinformatics.



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